Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pushing myself

I know you guys are missing my Facebook posts about how far I walked each day. Truth is I went back to the working world on Tuesday and didn't walk all week. *gasp*
I think a treadmill might be beneficial now in case I feel like walking after dark but don't want to be eaten by the wild animals. There is only 1 street light on my whole road and since I live in the sticks, only the stars and moon light the way.
Hubby went to work today with my car so I couldn't drive anywhere, my son went next door to visit Grandma and Grandpa, and I decided there wouldn't be a better time to go. No excuses! With the threat of a thunder and lightning storm I laced up, put on a raincoat and headed out. I always try to push myself everytime I go (unless I am on a time constraint or I'm not feeling good - another post perhaps about my leftover gallstones). Last week when I walked in the rain I went to civic # 1763 (Antrim Rd). There and back from my house is about 4.8km. Once I get past that first kilometer I always feel like I could walk forever until I realise that I do have to eventually turn around and make it back home. Today I reached civic # 1763 and decided to keep going.  Once I hit civic # 1724 I decided to turn around and head home. 68 minutes and 6km done; half of it uphill (have I ever mentioned how much I hate hills?) and I feel great!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Improper form and the french toast

Yesterday I took the day off (from exercising)... and eating properly (apparently). I wasn't planning on lazing around but it rained most of the day and I figured it would be ok since I had walked a total of 15km in the three days prior. Apparently I thought it was ok to bake banana bread (intended for my son) and lemon meringue pie (intended for my husband) and have some of each. I didn't eat a lot of it but still felt guilty about it so laying in bed at 11pm, did 101 crunches (sets of 25 + 1 extra in the last set for good measure). There's my proper form again. What would Jillian Michaels say?

Today is a new day. Half of the banana bread is gone and I made hubby finish the lemon meringue pie for breakfast (as if he was complaining). I'm debating whether to have some Kashi (Honey Almond Flax) and vanilla almond milk, or 2 pieces of french toast for brekkie. Normally I'd have the Kashi with blueberries except I ate the full package of blueberries the other day - in one sitting. French toast it is! If you're wondering how I make it, here it is:

2 pieces of Ben's Smart Sandwich bread (I know I could buy something healthier but I don't eat a lot of bread and this is the kind my son and husband prefer)

1 large egg (yes I use the yolk)

1 tsp white sugar (again I know I could be using something better)

2 tsp cinnamon (I like the cinnamon)

1/3 cup vanilla almond milk (I am using Earth's Own)

That's it! I usually eat it with a bit of margarine (sometimes Becel Light) and Aunt Jemima Light Syrup (3 tbsp).

Here are the stats:

Ok so it's worse than the Kashi but I don't have it every day. I'm trying to learn moderation (except junk). There can be no moderation for me and junk food because I don't trust myself yet to not fall back into bad habits.

One more thing - I am writing it here to keep me accountable. I will walk 4.4km today!

Have a great one :)